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Real-Time Data Infrastructure at Uber

Paper - Real time infrastructure at Uber.pdf

Key Points:

  1. Architecture and Components:

    • Uber leverages a range of open-source technologies, prominently including Apache Kafka, Apache Flink, and Apache Pinot, to build a robust real-time data infrastructure.

    • Apache Flink is used extensively for stream processing, supporting both SQL and low-level API interfaces to accommodate different user needs. This enables efficient transformation of SQL queries into Flink jobs, simplifying the deployment and scaling of streaming applications.

  2. Challenges and Solutions:

    • Resource Estimation and Auto-scaling: Empirical analysis helps in configuring resources for various job types (e.g., CPU-bound vs. memory-bound jobs), and continuous monitoring aids in dynamic scaling based on load.

    • Job Monitoring and Failure Recovery: Automated job monitoring and failure recovery mechanisms ensure high reliability and operational efficiency​.

  3. Unified Platform:

    • Uber has developed a unified architecture to manage stream processing pipelines, integrating various platforms to handle business logic, workflow management, and SQL compilation. This layered architecture enhances scalability and extensibility​.

  4. Lessons Learned:

    • Open Source Adoption: Uber’s reliance on open-source technologies has facilitated rapid iteration and adaptation to evolving engineering needs, though it has required significant customization to fit Uber's specific requirements.

    • Rapid System Development: Standardizing interfaces and leveraging a monorepo approach has enabled efficient management of multiple applications, promoting rapid development and deployment​.

  5. Future Directions:

    • Unification of Streaming and Batch Processing: Aiming to simplify the development process by unifying the semantics of stream and batch processing.

    • Multi-region and Cloud Agnosticism: Enhancing system resilience and flexibility through multi-region deployments and the ability to run infrastructure both on-premises and in the cloud​​.

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