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📈Stock Broker System Design - Groww


lets first try to understand what stock broker is ?

Stock brokers are authorized members of the stock exchanges (i.e. BSE, NSE).

They execute trades on behalf of the customers at the exchange. There are 100's of registered stock brokers in India offering stock trading to retail customers. At high-level, the most famous stock brokers in India are categories in 2 types:

  1. Full-services brokers

  2. Discount Stock Brokers

Full-service brokers offer a wide range of services including stock trading, research and advisory and local support. Discount stock brokers are online brokers specialized only in stock and commodity trading services. They do not offer add-ons like research and advisory, PMS, wealth management and branch support.

The most popular stock brokers in the full-service category include ICICI Direct, Sharekhan, HDFC Securities, Sharekhan, Angel One and Axis Bank. The most famous stock brokers in discount broker category include Zerodha, 5paisa, Groww and upstox.

We can't read system design for all the brokers but lets consider one by more number of clients .

Stock BrokerNumber of Clients ( In Millions )





Angel One




Functional requirements

  • Price Changes are frequent in fractions of seconds.

  • Buy / Sell Order placement

  • Portfolio Management

  • Trade history & Reporting

  • Notification & alerts

  • Order Matching Engine

Non Functional requirements

  • High availability and reliability.

  • Low latency for real-time transactions.

  • Scalability to handle high volumes of trade requests.

  • Security to protect user data and transactions.

  • Compliance with financial regulations.

Architecture Diagram

List of Microservices

Considering the system like groww, it is good to have each microservices for single major functionality. There will be huge data flow in and out. Failures in one service do not necessarily impact others, improving system reliability. Having decoupling between the service dependencies, allows more flexibility and resilient architecture.

Below are the list of services required considering the above functionality. I am dividing the functionality into three categories. ( Core, Infra, Optional )

Core: These are the microservices specific to the grow as a company or product.


Market Service

Provides real-time market data to users

Order Service

Handles the creation, modification, and cancellation of buy/sell orders

Portfolio Service

Manages users’ portfolios and investments

Trade History Service

Stores and retrieves historical trade data

Trade Execution Service

Executes buy/sell orders by communicating with stock exchanges like NSE / BSE

Order Matching Engine Service

Matches buy and sell orders within the system. This is required for internal order processing and execution efficiency.

Price Update Service

Handles frequent price updates and broadcasts them to users

Real-time Data Processing Service

Processes real-time data streams for market data and order execution

Infra: These are the services required to run any kind of product. These services will be helpful when company / startup need for diversion from the existing path.


Identity Service

Manages user profiles, authentication, and authorization

Logging and Monitoring Service

Logs system activities and monitors system health

Payment Service

Manages financial transactions and settlements

API Gateway Service

Provides a unified entry point for client applications

Optional: These services are good to have for a system. Cover these services only if time permits in the interview.


Audit, Compliance Service

Ensures the system complies with regulatory requirements

Customer Support Service

Manages customer support requests and issues

User Preferences Service

Stores and manages user preferences and settings

Fraud Detection Service

Detects and prevents fraudulent activities

User Distribution

Let's assume different percentages of active users for each microservice, considering typical usage patterns.

  1. Order Service: 30% of active clients.

  2. Portfolio Service: 20% of active clients.

  3. Trade History Service: 10% of active clients.

  4. Trade Execution Service: 10% of active clients.

  5. Order Matching Engine: Tied to order service, hence 30% of active clients.

  6. Price Update Service: 10% of active clients, with updates for 5 companies each.

  7. Market Data Service: 100% of companies (7,800).

Envelope Calculations

As of March 2024, Companies registered are as follows

BSE: 5421

NSE: 2379

Total companies are around: 7800

Note: There can be companies listed in both. We are not considering this corner case.



Total Users ( Groww )

9.19 million

Registered Companies ( NSE and BSE )


Trading hours in a day

9:15 AM to 3:30 PM (22,500 seconds)

Trading days in the month


API Call Average Request/Response Size

2 KB including headers

Average Request Processing Time

50 ms

Max Requests per Server


Max Websockets per Server


Market Service



Company Updates Per second

5 updates per company per second

Data per Update

0.1 KB (100 bytes)

Total Companies


Websocket Update Required ?


Storage Calculation

Total Updates per Trading Day: 7800 * 22500 = 175,500,000 Updates / day

Data per Trading Day: 175,500,000 * 0.5 KB = 87.75 GB / day

Total data per month (Assuming 22 days of trading): 16.73 GB * 22 = 1930.5 GB / Month

Servers Calculation

Market Data Ingestion

Total Updates per Second: 7,800 companies * 5 updates/sec = 39,000 updates/sec

Number of API Servers: 39,000 / 1000 = 39 servers

Order Service and Order Matching Service



Orders per User per Day

2 orders

Data per Order

2 KB

Active Users

30% of 919,000 = 275,700

Storage Calculation

Total Orders per Trading Day: 9.19 m * 2 = 18.38 million orders per day

Data per Trading Day: 18.38 * 2 = 36.76 GB / day

Total Data per month: 18.38 * 22 = 808.72 GB / month

Server Calculation

API Requests per second = 275,700 / 0.05 = 5,514,000 requests/sec

Number of API Servers = 5,514,000 / 1000 = 5514 servers

Number of Websocket Servers = 275,700 ​/ 20,000 = 13.785 = 14 ( Approx)

Portfolio Service



Updates per User per Day


Data per update

1 KB

Active Users

20% of 919,000 = 183,800

Storage Calculation

Total portfolio updates per Trading Day: 9.19 m * 5= 45.94 million updates / day

Data per Trading Day: 45.95 m * 1 KB = 45.95 GB / day

Total data per month (Assuming 22 days of trading): 45.95 GB * 22 = 1,010.9 GB / Month

Server Calculation

API Requests per second = 183,800 / 0.05 = 3,676,000 requests/sec

Number of API Servers = 3,676,000 / 1000 = 3676 servers

Trade History Service and Trade Execution Service



Trades per User per Day


Data per Trade

2 KB

Active Users

10% of 919,000 = 91,900

Storage Calculations:

Total trades per Trading Day: 9.19 m * 2 = 18.38 million updates / day

Data per Trading Day: 18.38m * 2 KB = 36.76 GB / day

Total data per month (Assuming 22 days of trading): 36.76 GB * 22 = 808.72 GB / Month

Server Calculations:

API Requests per second = 91,900 / 0.05 = 1,838,000 requests/sec

Number of API Servers = 1,838,000 / 1000 = 1838 servers

Number Of Websocket Servers = 1,838,000 / 20,000 = 91.9 = 92 Servers

Price Update Service



Price Updates per second


Data per Update

0.1 KB

Number of price updates per user


Number of active Users

10% of 919,000 = 91,900

Storage Calculations

Total updates per Trading Day: 1000 * 22,500 = 22,500,000 updates / day

Data per Trading Day: 22,500,000 * 0.1 KB = 22,500 KB / day = 2.25 GB / day

Total data per month (Assuming 22 days of trading): 2.25 GB * 22 = 49.5 GB / Month

Server Calculations

Total Price Updates: 91,900 * 5 = 459,500 updates/sec

API Requests per second = 459,500 / 0.05 = 9,190,000 requests/sec

Number of API Servers = 9,190,000 / 1000 = 9190 servers

Number of Websocker servers = 9,190,000 / 20,000 = 459.5 = 460 ( Approx)

Real-time Data Processing Service

Storage Calculations

Market Data Updates: 39,000 updates/sec

Updates Stored per Second: 1% of 39,000 updates/sec = 390 updates/sec

Total Data Size per Second: 390 * 0.01 = 3.9 KB/sec

Total Data Size per Day: 3.90 KB/sec * 22,500 = 87.75 MB /day

Total Data Size per Month: 87.75 * 22 = 1.93 GB /month

Server Calculations

  • Market Data Ingestion:

    • Active Companies: 7,800

    • Market Data Updates: Assume 5 updates per second per company

    • Total Updates per Second: 7800 * 5 = 39,000 updates/sec

  • Data Aggregation and Transformation:

    • Assume each update requires 1 additional processing step

    • Total Processing Steps per Second: 39,000

  • Event Detection:

    • Assume 10% of updates trigger events

    • Event Detection Steps per Second: 0.1 * 39,000 = 3,900

  • Streaming Updates:

    • Assume each update is sent to 30% of active users (30% of 919,000)

    • Active Users Receiving Updates: 0.3 * 919,000 = 275,700

    • Updates per User per Second: 2 (assume each user receives updates for 2 companies)

    • Total Streaming Updates per Second: 275,700 * 2 = 551,400 updates/sec

  • Data Storage:

    • Assume 1% of updates are stored for historical analysis

    • Data Storage Steps per Second: 0.01 * 39,000 = 390

Total Updates:

39,000 + 39,000 + 3,900 + 390 = 82,290 updates/sec

Number of API servers: 82,290 / 1000 = 82.2 = 83 ( Approx )

Number of Websocket Servers: 551,400 / 20, 000 = 28 Servers

Total Servers

Total Storage Required = 6227.71 GB / Month

Total API servers: 27, 692 per second

Total Websocket servers: 608 per second

Component Design


Last updated