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1. Client-Side Components

  • Web Clients: Browsers, Web applications

  • Mobile Clients: Android, iOS applications

2. Server-Side Components

  • Web Servers:

    • Azure App Service: Host web applications, RESTful APIs

  • Application Servers:

    • Azure Functions: Serverless compute for event-driven workloads

    • Azure App Service: Host application services

  • Database Servers:

    • Azure SQL Database: Managed relational SQL database

    • Azure Cosmos DB: Globally distributed NoSQL database

3. Databases

  • Relational Databases (SQL):

    • Azure SQL Database

    • Azure Database for MySQL/PostgreSQL

  • NoSQL Databases:

    • Azure Cosmos DB

    • Azure Table Storage

4. Cache

  • In-Memory Cache:

    • Azure Cache for Redis

  • Content Delivery Network (CDN):

    • Azure CDN

5. Load Balancers

  • Azure Load Balancer: Distribute traffic across multiple servers

  • Azure Application Gateway: Load balancing with application-level routing and SSL termination

6. Message Queues

  • Azure Service Bus: Enterprise messaging for reliable messaging

  • Azure Queue Storage: Simple message queuing for large workloads

7. API Gateways

  • Azure API Management: Securely expose APIs to external and internal consumers

8. Microservices

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS): Deploy and manage containerized applications

  • Azure Service Fabric: Platform for microservices and container orchestration

9. Service Discovery

  • Azure Service Fabric: Built-in service discovery for microservices

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS): Use Kubernetes-native service discovery

10. Configuration Management

  • Azure App Configuration: Centralized management of application settings

11. Monitoring and Logging

  • Azure Monitor: Full-stack monitoring for applications, infrastructure, and network

  • Azure Log Analytics: Collect and analyze log data from various sources

  • Azure Application Insights: Monitor live applications and diagnose issues

12. Authentication and Authorization

  • Azure Active Directory (Azure AD): Identity and access management

  • Azure AD B2C: Identity management for consumer-facing applications

13. Scalability and Reliability

  • Horizontal Scaling:

    • Use Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets for VM-based applications

    • Azure App Service auto-scaling for web apps

  • Vertical Scaling:

    • Increase the resources of individual Azure VMs or services

  • Redundancy:

    • Use Azure Availability Zones and Azure Regions for redundancy

  • Backup and Disaster Recovery:

    • Azure Backup and Azure Site Recovery for data integrity and availability

14. Networking

  • Azure DNS: Domain name resolution

  • Azure Firewall: Network security

  • Azure Virtual Network (VNet): Private network within Azure

15. DevOps and CI/CD

  • Azure DevOps: Complete CI/CD pipeline, repositories, and project management

  • GitHub Actions for Azure: CI/CD workflows with GitHub integration

16. Data Processing

  • Batch Processing:

    • Azure Batch: Large-scale parallel and high-performance computing

  • Stream Processing:

    • Azure Stream Analytics: Real-time data processing

    • Azure Event Hubs: Data streaming platform

17. Analytics and Reporting

  • Azure Synapse Analytics: Integrated analytics service for big data and data warehousing

Last updated