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♦️Google Cloud

Google cloud component checklist - System design

1. Client-Side Components

  • Web Clients: Browsers, Web applications

  • Mobile Clients: Android, iOS applications

2. Server-Side Components

  • Web Servers:

    • Compute Engine: Virtual machines running web servers

    • App Engine: Managed platform for building and hosting web applications

  • Application Servers:

    • Cloud Functions: Serverless compute for event-driven workloads

    • App Engine: Managed platform for application services

  • Database Servers:

    • Cloud SQL: Managed relational databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server)

    • Cloud Spanner: Globally distributed, horizontally scalable relational database

3. Databases

  • Relational Databases (SQL):

    • Cloud SQL

    • Cloud Spanner

  • NoSQL Databases:

    • Firestore: Document database for building applications

    • Bigtable: NoSQL database for large analytical and operational workloads

4. Cache

  • In-Memory Cache:

    • Cloud Memorystore: Managed Redis and Memcached

  • Content Delivery Network (CDN):

    • Cloud CDN: Content delivery network for delivering content globally

5. Load Balancers

  • Cloud Load Balancing: Distribute traffic across multiple servers

    • HTTP(S) Load Balancing: For HTTP/HTTPS traffic

    • TCP/UDP Load Balancing: For non-HTTP/HTTPS traffic

    • SSL Proxy and TCP Proxy Load Balancing: For secure and non-secure traffic

6. Message Queues

  • Pub/Sub: Asynchronous messaging and event-driven processing

7. API Gateways

  • API Gateway: Securely expose APIs to external and internal consumers

8. Microservices

  • Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE): Managed Kubernetes for container orchestration

  • Cloud Run: Serverless containers for running stateless HTTP containers

9. Service Discovery

  • Service Directory: Service discovery for microservices

10. Configuration Management

  • Secret Manager: Manage and access secrets securely

  • Config Connector: Manage Google Cloud resources using Kubernetes configuration files

11. Monitoring and Logging

  • Cloud Monitoring: Full-stack monitoring for applications, infrastructure, and network

  • Cloud Logging: Fully managed service to store, search, analyze, and monitor log data

  • Error Reporting: Real-time error tracking

12. Authentication and Authorization

  • Identity and Access Management (IAM): Manage user access and encryption keys

  • Firebase Authentication: User authentication, authorization, and user management

13. Scalability and Reliability

  • Horizontal Scaling:

    • Use Compute Engine instance groups for automatic scaling

    • App Engine auto-scaling for web apps

  • Vertical Scaling:

    • Increase the resources of individual Compute Engine instances

  • Redundancy:

    • Use Multi-Regional Storage and Cloud Load Balancing for redundancy

  • Backup and Disaster Recovery:

    • Cloud Storage and Cloud SQL backups for data integrity and availability

14. Networking

  • Cloud DNS: Scalable, reliable, and managed authoritative DNS service

  • Virtual Private Cloud (VPC): Private network within Google Cloud

  • Cloud Firewall: Managed firewall service

15. DevOps and CI/CD

  • Cloud Build: Continuous integration and delivery

  • Artifact Registry: Store, manage, and secure your build artifacts

  • Cloud Source Repositories: Source control service

16. Data Processing

  • Batch Processing:

    • Dataflow: Stream and batch processing using Apache Beam

  • Stream Processing:

    • Pub/Sub: Real-time messaging

    • Dataflow: Real-time data processing

17. Analytics and Reporting

  • BigQuery: Serverless, highly scalable, and cost-effective multi-cloud data warehouse

  • Looker: Business intelligence and analytics platform

  • Data Studio: Dashboarding and reporting tool

Last updated